The unexpected death of a loved one is always difficult, but it is more devastating when someone’s negligent or reckless behavior causes it. The ability to file a lawsuit for wrongful death may be critical to the financial security of the family members left behind. As such, seeking…

Following the death of a loved one in an accident, a family may be in complete shock. Their grief may be so deep that it can be hard to even think about the tragic circumstances that caused the person’s death. Following a deadly accident, though,…

Life can be wonderful and joyous, but fragile. One wrong mistake on a Texan’s part, and they face death. This does not have to be through an intentional act. Simple negligence can has devastating consequences — especially behind the wheel of a car. In a…

In a recent blog post, we highlighted the story of several Texas workers who were killed at work. In that case, the workers were trapped after a fire broke out. Rescue workers were not able to remove the workers quick enough and, sadly, they died….