Marion Truck Accident

Commercial trucks are many times larger and heavier than the passenger vehicles around them, generating tremendous force in the event of a collision with a smaller vehicle or another road user. That’s why truck drivers and the companies they work for must take every precaution to prevent avoidable tragedies. When they don’t, they can be held liable for the consequences.

If you’ve been hurt in a truck accident in Marion, TX, turn to Burch Law Firm for help demanding the compensation the at-fault parties owe you for your medical expenses, repair bills, lost wages, and more.

Since 1990, Attorney Troy Burch has represented accident victims across Central Texas. We believe in building personal relationships with our clients, so when you work with our firm, you will do so directly with the attorney handling your case rather than getting passed off to a paralegal or secretary like you probably would at other firms.

We fight hard to recover maximum compensation. Insurance companies know our reputation for accepting nothing less than a full recovery for our clients. And because we handle cases on a contingency fee basis, you pay nothing unless we recover money for you.

So, if you’re ready to demand the compensation you need to recover from a truck accident that wasn’t your fault, contact Burch Law Firm today. An experienced truck accident lawyer in Marion, Texas is standing by to speak with you at no cost or obligation.

How Our Marion Truck Accident Lawyers Can Help You

If you’ve suffered injuries in a truck crash that wasn’t your fault, you deserve compensation from those responsible so that you can rebuild your life – something you can’t do without the time and space to focus on your physical and emotional recovery. While you heal, let Burch Law Firm handle the details of your legal claims. We can help you by:

  • Investigating the accident to recover evidence for your case, including police accident reports, accident scene photos, truck driver logs, vehicle data, cargo manifests, and eyewitness testimony
  • Identifying parties who may have liability for your injuries, such as the truck driver, the trucking company, the cargo or freight broker, and/or the truck manufacturer
  • Documenting your injuries and expenses to calculate what fair compensation looks like in your case
  • Evaluating your legal options, including determining available insurance coverage
  • Communicating with trucking company representatives, insurance adjusters, and defense lawyers on your behalf
  • Vigorously pursuing total compensation for you through a negotiated settlement if possible or by taking your case to trial if necessary

What Are Common Causes of Semi-Truck Accidents?

Truck accident lawyer in Marion, Texas

Operating a semi-truck requires great care and attention. When truck drivers and the carriers they work with are careless or cut corners, they risk causing preventable accidents.

Some of the most common causes of these truck wrecks include:

  • Speeding
  • Following too closely
  • Reckless or aggressive driving, such as swerving through traffic
  • Running red lights or stop signs
  • Failing to yield the right of way
  • Failing to check mirrors and blind spots or failing to signal before turning or changing lanes
  • Unsafe wide turns
  • Drowsy driving
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Distracted driving
  • Lack of experience
  • Inadequate truck maintenance
  • Truck part defects
  • Unsafe cargo loads, including excessive weight, unbalanced, or unsecured loads

Why Do You Need to Investigate a Marion Lake Truck Accident Right Away?

Marion truck accident lawyers

Hiring a personal injury lawyer immediately following a truck accident will give your attorney the time they need to investigate the crash before evidence deteriorates, disappears, or simply gets lost. For example, a truck accident attorney can arrange for inspections of the vehicles involved in the crash before they get repaired.

Attorneys can also take photos of the accident scene before damage from the crash gets fixed and cleaned up. Your lawyer will want to speak with eyewitnesses to the crash while memories are still fresh. Most importantly, your truck accident attorney can contact the trucking companies to demand they preserve critical records and evidence, such as the truck driver’s hours-of-service logs or data from the truck’s event data recorder.

Promptly beginning an investigation of a truck accident can help you recover critical evidence such as:

  • Accident scene photos or videos
  • Eyewitness testimony
  • Surveillance, traffic camera, or dashcam footage
  • Truck driver service logs
  • Trucking company dispatch logs
  • Cargo or freight manifests
  • Event data recorder (“black box”) logs
  • Truck driver alcohol or drug screen results
  • Truck maintenance records
  • Pre-trip inspection reports

What Damages Can You Recover in a Marion Truck Accident Lawsuit?

The purpose of filing a Marion truck accident lawsuit is to demand that the people at fault for your injuries and related losses compensate you appropriately. Let the Marion truck accident attorneys of Burch Law Firm fight to secure a financial recovery for:

  • Medical treatment and rehabilitation, including hospitalization, surgeries, doctor’s appointments, prescriptions, and physical or occupational therapy
  • Long-term care and support for permanent disabilities you may have suffered, including home health services or housekeeping
  • Loss of income due to missed work or reduced earnings on part-time/light duty as you recover from your injuries
  • Loss of future earnings and work benefits if you become permanently disabled
  • Vehicle repair expenses and other related costs, such as car rental fees
  • Reimbursement of the value of your vehicle if totaled in the crash
  • Physical pain and emotional distress
  • Reduced quality of life due to physical disabilities or permanent scarring and disfigurement

There are legal and practical reasons to act quickly. The sooner you get in touch with us, the sooner we can begin investigating the accident and building a case for fair compensation.

Our Marion Truck Accident Attorneys Can Help You

If you’ve been injured in a truck crash caused by a truck driver or trucking company’s negligence, you deserve compensation for what you suffered, including your vehicle repairs, medical bills, lost income, and pain and suffering. Contact Burch Law Firm today for a free, no-obligation consultation to speak with our Marion truck accident attorneys about your legal options for pursuing the money you’re owed at no upfront cost to you.