When Texas residents are walking outside, there are various dangers they could encounter that could lead to a fall. Slip and fall accidents are based on various conditions that could be present due to a negligent property owner. When this occurs, it is important to fully investigate the incident so liability could be assigned to the party at fault and the fall victim could recover for the losses and damages caused by the slip and fall.

The most common causes include inadequate outdoor lighting, cracked parking lots and poorly maintained sidewalks. In all of these matters, property owners due owe the duty to provide a safe condition for visitors. Failure to do so could result in a slip and fall and the property owner becoming liable for the accident and the resulting injuries and damages.

Inadequate outdoor lighting is a common factor that could lead to a slip and fall incident at night. Proper lighting could make certain hazards visible such as holes, cracks and uneven surfaces. If adequate lighting is not present in a parking lot and a property owner fails to remedy the situation, they could be liable for a slip and fall.

Both parking lots and sidewalks are supposed to be adequately maintained by a property owner in order to reduce hazards and dangers that the general public or visitors could encounter. When a property owner owes this responsibility and they fail to uphold it, an injured party could file a cause of action such as a personal injury claim to recover for the serious injury they suffered and the resulting damages from the slip and fall.

Following a slip and fall incident, it is important to properly investigate the accident. Investigation could reveal cause and could assign liability. This not only allows the injured party to move forward with an action if they find it appropriate but also ensures their rights and interests are protected.

Source: FindLaw.com, “Conditions Leading to Outdoor Slip and Fall Accidents,” accessed on Jan. 5, 2015.

Author: Burch Law Firm

The founder of our law firm, attorney Troy D. Burch, Jr., is a native of New Braunfels and understands the concerns and legal needs of his neighbors in Central Texas. His family’s roots in the region run deep. His father, Troy D. Burch, Sr., was a head football coach and athletic director in New Braunfels for more than 31 years.