Did you know that the average lifetime cost of a severe spinal cord injury exceeds $1 million, not including indirect losses in wages and quality of life, according to the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation? If you or a close family member recently sustained a spinal cord injury that someone else caused, you shouldn’t have to face this staggering burden alone. A Texas spine injury lawyer can help you pursue a personal injury claim to recover fair compensation for your losses.

At the Burch Law Firm, we understand the challenges you’re up against, and we’re here to defend your rights. Let our team of experienced legal professionals take care of your case so you can focus on your health and your treatment. Contact us today for a free consultation with a spinal cord injury lawyer in New Braunfels.

Why Do You Need a Spinal Cord Injury Attorney?

A spine injury case in New Braunfels , TX.

A spinal cord injury can have a profound impact on your physical health, emotional well-being, and financial stability. These injuries often result in serious complications like chronic pain and loss of mobility that affect your quality of life, earning ability, and independence. You have enough to worry about. It’s a good idea to hand the legal matters to an experienced spinal cord injury attorney because they:

  • Have legal knowledge and experience – Spinal cord injury lawyers know the law and how it applies to these complex cases. Your attorney can help you understand your legal rights and avenues for compensation.
  • Can conduct independent investigations – Your personal injury attorney can investigate the causes and consequences of your spinal cord injury. A good lawyer can uncover valuable evidence, work with experts in various fields, and calculate the full extent of your losses and the compensation available to you.
  • Can communicate and negotiate on your behalf – Your attorney can represent you to at-fault individuals, insurance providers, and defense attorneys. They can protect you from the tricks and tactics these parties often use to avoid responsibility. Your attorney can also negotiate aggressively for a fair settlement that compensates you adequately for everything you have suffered.
  • May represent you in court, if necessary – If the other side refuses to cooperate, an attorney won’t hesitate to take your case to court to demand the compensation you deserve.
  • Can take care of your case while you focus on your health – One of the best reasons to work with a personal injury lawyer is to enjoy peace of mind while a professional handles all the messy legal details. While your lawyer focuses on your legal case, you can focus on getting the care you need.

What Are the Common Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries in New Braunfels?

The spinal cord is a complex and delicate column of nerve tissue that sends and receives electrical impulses throughout the body. When the spinal cord sustains damage, these impulses get disrupted, leading to losses of sensation and function below the injury site.

Common causes of spinal cord injuries in New Braunfels, Texas include:

Complications Associated with Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injurySpinal cord injuries (SCIs) can lead to a range of health complications that vary depending on the location and severity of the damage, as well as individual health factors like age and pre-existing conditions. Common spinal injury complications include:

  • Partial or total paralysis – SCI patients typically suffer a complete or partial loss of motor function and control below the site of the spinal injury.
  • Loss of sensation – Another common complication is a partial or total loss of sensation below the SCI, including the ability to feel temperature, touch, or pain.
  • Autonomic dysfunction – The autonomic nervous system regulates involuntary processes like digestion, breathing, and blood pressure. Autonomic dysfunctions could include changes in blood pressure, heart rate, or respiratory function.
  • Chronic pain – Many SCI patients experience chronic pain due to their injuries. Neuropathic pain, which occurs due to nerve damage and usually feels like a burning or shooting sensation, is especially common. It is also difficult to treat.
  • Spasticity – Spasticity is an abnormal increase in muscle tone or stiffness, which makes it harder to move freely or control certain muscle groups.
  • Bladder and bowel dysfunction – Many SCIs cause partial or total paralysis of the bladder and bowel, which can lead to incontinence.
  • Bed or pressure sores – Those with SCIs often lack sensation below their injury sites, making them vulnerable to bed sores and other pressure sores caused by prolonged periods of sitting or lying in one position.
  • Respiratory issues – Patients with higher-level SCIs may experience partial or total paralysis of the lungs and surrounding structures, making it difficult or impossible to breathe without assistive devices.
  • Sexual dysfunction – Many SCI patients encounter changes in sexual function, such as muted libido and erectile dysfunction.
  • Emotional difficulties – A spinal cord injury can affect every aspect of a person’s life, and many SCI victims struggle emotionally with these changes. Mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, and insomnia are common.

What Damages Can I Recover in a Spinal Injury Lawsuit?

A Texas spinal cord injury attorney can file a spinal injury lawsuit seeking compensation for the following types of personal and financial losses you have experienced:

  • Hospital bills and other medical expenses you incur due to the SCI
  • Medical costs you will likely incur in the future
  • Incidental expenses, like travel costs for medical appointments
  • Lost wages from any time you miss work
  • Projected losses in your earning capacity due to permanent spinal injuries
  • Your pain, suffering, and lost quality of life
  • Loss of consortium if your relationship with your partner suffers due to the SCI

Contact a Spine Injury Lawyer Today

New Braunfels, Texas spinal cord injury attorneyIf someone else caused you or your loved one to suffer a serious spinal cord injury, reach out to the Burch Law Firm as soon as possible. Our compassionate injury lawyers are ready to help you demand the compensation you deserve. We offer free consultations and won’t charge a fee unless we secure a verdict or settlement, so there is no barrier to working with a committed, experienced spinal cord injury lawyer.